On Word Press Login Screen, you click, ‘Lost your password?’
You then type in your userid or email address associated with your user id.
You then click, ‘Get New Password’.
You should get the message, ‘Check your e-mail for the confirmation link.‘
But you don’t!
Instead, you get an Internal 500 Server Error (meaning you don’t have detailed error logging set in your asp hosted settings) or you get the following detailed error message:
The e-mail could not be sent.
Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function…
By default WordPress uses the Mail() component to send out emails. But if your host has secure SMTP eMail authentication then Mail() will not send, and you may see the above error.
The solution for this problem is using the wp-mail-smtp plugin, which accepts a smtp host, username & password that sends out email via an SMTP host.
The plugin can be downloaded here.
Note: I found that I received an error when I tried to install the plugin via the plugin panel. It was better to simply down the plugin, unzip, and ftp the files directly to the wp-content/plugins folder. I then went into the plugins, activated the plugin, then modified the settings as you would if you were setting up your email via pop in your favorite email software.
From email: An email address that you set up via your hosting site (preferably)
From name: your name
Mailer: SMTP
SMTP Host: Your host server
SMTP Port: 25
Encryption: No Encryption
Authentification: Yes
Username: your email address
Password: your email password
Save the settings.
Finally, test it out by entering another one of your emails and see if the email is received. If so, then get out and try again.
Problem should be sovled.