SSRS Report throwing #Error when attempting to convert RTF to Text using Code-Behind

After upgrading from sql2008 to sql2014, the code-behind of the rdl report used to convert RTF to Text was failing and displaying #Error instead of the converted text. There are numerous reasons this can happen, but for me, it was …

Windows 10 – Can’t login to Xbox Live with Windows 10 Live Account via the Xbox or Xbox Accessories windows application

The problem I was having is that it recognized my profile by showing my avatar and the Let’s Play button, but when I clicked the button, I got an error message stating that I couldn’t sign into Xbox live for …

SQL Server Management Studio – Using Row_Number, Partition, and filtering on Row_number

Let’s say you want to retrieve only the first row of each question type from the question type table. The 3rd SQL statement will give you your results, but let’s explain each of 3 SQL statements.

select RowNumber, question_type 

SQL Server Management Studio – Retrieve one child row regardless of number of grand children from another child table with or without filtering

Let’s say you want to report on each child row, but you only want to see one row based on a grand child row with filtering on the grand child row. The following SQL will not work, but instead gets …