This article explains in the most simpliest terms how to use action script to connect to SQL Server via an ashx file in order to post data from your flash application.
First, you build a flash game that keeps track of the gamer’s score. At the end of the game, you want to save the gamer’s score to your database.
To save the score, you need to add code to your action script to call an ashx file on your server.
First, define a URLVariables variable. Appended to this variable are the game statistics that you want to pass to your ashx file. (PlayerName, PlayerLevel, PlayerScore)
Second, you define a URLLoader variable.
Next, define a URLRequest variable that contains the url location of your ashx file. You then assign the POST method to your URLRequest variable and assign your defined variables to it’s data method.
Lastly, you assign the TEXT data format to your URLLoader, then execute the load method of the URLLoader passing as a parameter the URLRequest variable.
Below is the code:
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables; variables.PlayerName = txtPlayerName.text; variables.PlayerLevel = txtPlayerLevel.text; variables.PlayerScore = txtPlayerScore.text; var varLoaderPost:URLLoader = new URLLoader; var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables; varLoaderPost.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; varLoaderPost.load(varSend);
Now that the action script code is explained, let’s talk about the ashx file that gets called by your flash application.
First, you receive the player name, level, and score posted to the ashx and assign them to variables.
Second, you establish your timezone of choice and get the current date.
Third, you open up your database connection.
Next, you build the insert sql statement.
Lastly, you execute the sql statement. The player’s data is now stored in the database.
The ashx finishes off by closing your database connection.
Below is the code:
<%@ WebHandler Language="VB" Class="somefile_POST" %> Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Imports System.Text Public Class somefile_POST : Implements IHttpHandler Protected mLogger As NLog.Logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger Protected mDatabaseServer As String = String.Empty Protected mDataBase As String = String.Empty Protected mDatabaseUserID As String = String.Empty Protected mDatabasePassword As String = String.Empty Protected mSQLConnection As New SqlConnections Protected mSQLCommand As New SqlCommand Protected PlayerName As String = String.Empty Protected PlayerScore As String = String.Empty Protected PlayerLevel As String = String.Empty Protected _CurrentDateTime As DateTime = Nothing Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest Try PlayerName = Trim(context.Request.Form("PlayerName")) PlayerScore = Trim(context.Request.Form("PlayerScore")) PlayerLevel = Trim(context.Request.Form("PlayerLevel")) Dim timeZoneInfo__1 As TimeZoneInfo 'Set the time zone information to US Mountain Standard Time timeZoneInfo__1 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("US Eastern Standard Time") 'Get date and time in US Eastern Standard Time _CurrentDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, timeZoneInfo__1) 'Print out the date and time OpenDatabaseConnection() ToDataBase() CloseDatabaseConnection() Catch ex As Exception mLogger.Error(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Protected Sub OpenDatabaseConnection() Try mDatabaseServer = "your.database.server" mDataBase = "yourdatabasename" mDatabaseUserID = "userid" mDatabasePassword = "password" mSQLConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & mDatabaseServer & ";Initial Catalog=" & mDataBase & ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=" & mDatabaseUserID & ";Password=" & mDatabasePassword mSQLConnection.Open() mSQLCommand.Connection = mSQLConnection Catch ex As Exception mLogger.Error(ex) End Try End Sub Protected Sub CloseDatabaseConnection() Try mSQLConnection.Close() Catch ex As Exception mLogger.Error(ex) End Try End Sub Protected Sub ToDataBase() Dim mString As New StringBuilder Try Dim mReplaceString As String = String.Empty mString.Append("INSERT INTO flash_game_table") mString.Append("(DatePlayed, PlayerName, PlayerLevel, PlayerScore) ") mString.Append("VALUES (") mString.Append("'") mString.Append(_CurrentDateTime) mString.Append("'") mString.Append(", ") mString.Append("'") mString.Append(PlayerName) mString.Append("'") mString.Append(", ") mString.Append("'") mString.Append(PlayerLevel) mString.Append("'") mString.Append(", ") mString.Append("'") mString.Append(PlayerScore) mString.Append("'") mString.Append(")") mSQLCommand.CommandText = mString.ToString mSQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception mLogger.Error(ex) mLogger.Error("SQL Statement: " & mString.ToString) End Try End Sub Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable Get Return False End Get End Property End Class