SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) – Add a Group Row Header to an Existing Group Row

If you want to add a group row header to an existing group row in order for that group row header to repeat on each group break, do the following.

  1. In the Row Groups Panel below the report designer in the Design tab, right mouse click the group where you want a group row header to appear above it and select, ‘Add Total’ then choose ‘Before’.
  2. Add an expression to the column(s) of the group row header that you just created that you want displayed to the client based on the group break.

For example, let’s say you have two groupings, the first being TruckModel, the second being V8Engine with a value of Y or N; Y being that it is a V8. If you created a row group that breaks on V8Engine, the group row header will appear only when the V8Engine changes for the specific  TruckModel. In the expression, you can check for the value of Y, and if true, display V8 else V6 like so:

=Fields!TruckModel.Value & " " & iif(Fields!V8Engine.Value = "Y", "V8", "V6")

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